
不同时间尺度下旅游者重游意愿的影响机制研究——以西塘古镇为例 被引量:2

Study on the influence mechanism of tourist revisit intention under different time scales:a case of Xitang Ancient Town
摘要 以西塘古镇为例,构建了不同时间尺度下旅游者重游意愿的结构方程模型,探讨了地方依恋和满意度对短期、中期和长期重游意愿的影响机制。研究表明,地方依恋对短期重游意愿有直接和间接正向影响,对中期和长期重游意愿只有间接正向影响;满意度对短期和中期重游意愿均有直接正向影响,并通过中间变量对长期重游意愿产生间接正向影响;地方依恋因子中"相比其他景区,对西塘更满意"和满意度因子中"总的来说,对这次旅游感到满意"对重游意愿的影响最大。因此,西塘古镇可从培育地方依恋和提升满意感知2个方面着手,提高旅游者在各个时期的重游意愿。 Took Xitang Ancient Town as an example, this paper built a structural equation model of tourist revisit intention to explore the impacts of place attachment and satisfaction on short-term, mid-term and long-term revisit intentions. Results showed that place attach- ment had both the direct and indirect positive influence on short-term revisit intention, but only the indirect influence on mid-term and long-term revisit intention. Satisfaction had direct positive influence on both short-term and mid-term revisit intention, and an indirect in- fluence on long-term revisit intention through short-term and mid-term revisit intention. The measurement item "Compare to other tourist sites, I'm more satisfied with Xitang" in place attachment factor and the item "In general, I'm satisfied with this trip" in tourist satisfaction factor had the largest effects on revisit intention. Therefore, Xitang Ancient Town can improve tourists' revisit intentions in all periods by cultivating place attachment and improving satisfaction level.
作者 周佳梅 姜洪涛 章锦河 寿东奇 ZHOU Jiamei JIANG Hongtao ZHANG Jinhe SHOU Dongqi(College of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanj ing 210023, China)
出处 《河北林果研究》 2016年第3期301-307,共7页 Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research
基金 国家自然科学基金"旅游地生态效率评价模型及测度研究"(41271161)
关键词 时间尺度 旅游者 重游意愿 影响机制 西塘 time scales tourists revisit intention influence mechanism Xitang Ancient Town
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