In the late 1940s, the intensification of wars and political struggles in China resulted in the influx of millions of Mainland emigres to Taiwan and Hong Kong, among whom there were Chinese architects. This paper sets out to identify the 6 migr6 Chinese architects in and after 1949. By examining the reasons why they set their destination to Taiwan or to Hong Kong, it argues that Hong Kong had some special attractions for the emigres, such as Cantonese ancestry, British education background, Eure-Asian network, etc. Then focusing on post-war Hong Kong, the paper studies several pivotal Chinese architects, LUKE Him-sau, Robert FAN Wen-zhao, SU Gin-Djih and CHU Pin. It reveals that the emigres of Chinese architects developed a multiplicity of design strategy as a response to the different aspects of Hong Kong' s post-war environment, such as high density, economic requirement, hilly terrain, climatic challenges, etc. It concludes that the multiplicity in the development of the emigre Chinese architects in post-war Hong Kong should be considered a significant continuation and bifurcation of modem architecture in China after 1949.
New Architecture