目的 掌握广西城乡居民6类健康问题素养水平及得分,为医疗卫生和健康教育与健康促进工作提供决策依据。方法 采用分层多阶段整群及PPS抽样方法,抽取广西12个监测点非集体居住的15~69岁常住人口进行问卷调查,对3236份有效问卷进行分析。结果 健康素养总体(满分100分)平均分为(52.43±19.15)分,6类健康问题得分平均分依次为:安全与急救素养12.50、科学健康观素养10.55、传染病防治素养6.78、健康信息获取素养5.39、基本医疗素养8.39、慢性病防治素养8.81分。与及格分(60%)相比,6类问题除了安全与急救素养、科学健康观素养达到以外,其余均未达到。健康素养6类问题得分城市均高于农村;科学健康观素养得分女性高于男性,年龄、民族、文化程度、职业方面,6类问题得分总体差异均有统计学意义。经加权调整后,2013年广西城乡居民6类问题健康素养水平为:安全与急救素养42.40%、科学健康观素养24.68%、传染病防治素养16.69%、健康信息获取素养13.72%、基本医疗素养5.68%、慢性病防治素养7.38%。结论 广西城乡居民6类健康问题素养水平平均分低并且健康素养水平处于较低水平,尤其是慢性病防治素养和基本医疗素养水平低。
Objective To understand the rates and scores of six health literacy issues among urban and rural resi- dents in Guangxi, and provide basis for decision-making for health care, health education and health promotion. Methods Stratified multi-staged cluster and PPS sampling methods were adopted in the surveillance, non collective residents aged 15 - 69 years from 12 monitoring points were investigated, and 3236 valid questionnaires were analyzed. Results The average score of heahh literacy (full mark 100) was (52. 43 + 19. 15), the average scores of 6 health literacy issues were as 12. 50 in safety and first aid, 10. 55 in scientific view of health, 6. 78 in prevention of communicable diseases, 5.39 in health in- formation, 8. 39 in basic medical care and 8.81 in prevention of chronic diseases. Safety and first aid and scientific view of health reached the passing level, others did not reach the passing level. All of the average scores in urban areas were higher than that in rural areas, scientific view score of female was higher than that of male, there is significant difference between different age groups, ethnic groups, education categories and occupational groups (P 〈 0.05). The 6 adjusted health liter- acy rates were: safety and first aid 42. 40%, scientific view of health 24. 68%, prevention of communicable diseases 16. 69%, health information 13.72%, basic medical care 5.68% and prevention of chronic diseases 7.38%, there was significant difference between urban and rural constituencies, age group, ethnic group and education category. Conclusion The health literacy rate and score of 6 health issues among urban and rural residents in Guangxi are at a low level, especially in basic medical care and prevention of chronic diseases.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Six issues
Health literacy