
印刷电路板式LNG气化器分段设计计算方法研究 被引量:7

Segmented Design and Calculation Method for Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger as LNG Vaporizer
摘要 随着海上液化天然气(LNG)生产的快速发展,作为LNG浮式储存和再气化装置(FSRU)再气化模块的关键设备,换热器面临更多挑战。印刷电路板换热器(PCHE)作为一种紧凑式微通道换热器,具有体积小、换热效率高等特点,在LNG-FSRU上具有广阔的应用前景。考虑到LNG气化过程中的相变现象和超临界流体,基于传统的对数平均温差法,提出采用分段计算的换热设计方法,利用边界条件和传热关系式获得各段出口和入口温度,确定各段传热面积,完成LNG气化换热器的热力设计。采用该计算方法对LNG气化器缩比样机实验工况进行计算,结果较实验有7.9%裕度。 The development of offshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) production puts forward higher demand for heat exchanger, since it is the key component in LNG floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). As a compact mi- cro-channel heat exchanger, printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) has a wide application prospect in LNG-FSRU be- cause of its characteristics of small volume and high heat transfer efficiency. Considering the phase change phenome- non and the supercritical fluid in LNG vaporizer, a segmented thermal design method for PCHE is presented based on (LMTD) method. The temperature and the area of every segment could be calculated with boundary conditions and heat transfer correlations, and then the total heat transfer area of the vaporizer could be obtained. This method is proven to be reliable with 7.9 % margin by contrasting the numerical result with the experimental one.
出处 《海洋工程装备与技术》 2016年第2期93-98,共6页 Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology
基金 上海市徐汇区现代服务业专项资金项目"高效微孔式换热器研制"
关键词 LNG气化器 印刷电路板换热器 超临界流体 相变换热 LNG vaporizer printed circuit heat exchanger supercritical fluid phase change heat transfer
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