链式移栽机是农业上大量使用的移栽设备,适合于10~50 cm的裸苗移栽。现有国产移栽机的分苗供苗机构普遍存在自动化程度低,生产效率低的问题。为了解决这一问题,采用UG设计了链夹式移栽机用自动分苗供苗机构。利用干涉检验验证自动分苗供苗机构的合理性。利用UG的仿真模块对分苗供苗机构进行运动仿真。研究结果表明,自动分苗供苗机构是由动力输入部分、切割推送部分、翻板、顶板推送部分、传动部分和支架组成。本机构能够完成与该机构相配合的45.5 mm×38.5 mm×35 mm条形纸质钵育秧盘移栽工作。经干涉检验优化后的自动分苗供苗机构,能够很好的保证顶板和割刀之间严格的装配关系,即有效的保证了准确有序的分苗和供苗。本研究可以有效的缩短分苗供苗机构的设计周期,为其的理论研究和生产实践提供了参考依据。
Chain transplanting machine is the extensive use of the agricultural transplanting equipment, and is suitable for 10 to 50cm naked seedling transplanting. Automation degree of automatic segmentation seedling and seedling mechanism for domestic seedling transplanting machine is low, and also its productive efficiency is low. In order to solve this problem, automatic segmentation seedlings and seeding mechanism using by chain type transplanter based on UG is designed. The rationality of automatic segmentation seedlings and seeding mechanism is verified using the interference verify. Movement simulation of automatic segmentation seedlings and seeding mechanism is done using the simulation module of UG. Research results show that automatic segmentation seedlings and seeding mechanism is made up of power input parts, cutting push parts, frame, roof push parts, transmission parts and the bracket. The mechanism is suitable for transplanting of 45.5mm × 38.5mm × 35mm paper bowl boards. The optimized automatic segmentation seedling and seedling mechanism using interference verify can guarantee strict assembly relationship between roof and cutter, which effectively ensure the accurate and orderly of segmentation seedling and seedling. This study can effectively shorten the design cycle of automatic segmentation seedling and seedling mechanism, and provide the reference for theoretical research and production practice.
automatic segmentation seedlings and seeding mechanism
chain type transplanter