
HIV感染者自然杀伤样T细胞分泌的TGF-β和IL-10水平 被引量:1

TGF-β and IL-10 levels secreted by natural killer-like T-cells in HIV infected individuals
摘要 目的探究HIV感染者自然杀伤样T细胞(NKT-like)分泌的TGF-β、IL-10水平及其与疾病进展的关系。方法提取正常对照者和HIV感染者外周血单个核细胞,加入IL-2(200 IU),IL-15(50 ng/ml)及IL-12(10 ng/ml)进行培养,共培养24 h后进行破膜胞内染色,FACS LSRII流式细胞仪检测NKT-like细胞TGF-β、IL-10水平。结果 HIV感染者NKT样细胞分泌的TGF-β明显高于正常对照者(P=0.017),分泌的IL-10有高于正常对照者的趋势;HIV感染者NKT样细胞分泌的TGF-β、IL-10与CD4+T细胞计数、病毒载量(log10VL)没有统计学上的相关性;NKT样细胞分泌的IL-10和TGF-β水平具有明显的正相关(r=0.663,P=0.001);体外加入r IL-10、r TGF-β可抑制NKT样细胞CD107a或IFN-γ的分泌。结论 HIV感染者NKT样细胞分泌的免疫抑制性细胞因子TGF-β、IL-10增多,可能对HIV感染者免疫功能紊乱起着促进作用。 Our objective is to explore the secretion levels of TGF-(3 and IL-10 by natural killer-like T-like(NKT-like) cells in HIV infected individuals,and its relationship with disease progression.Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were extracted from HIV-infected individuals or normal controls,and then co-cultured with IL-2(200 IU),IL-15(50 ng/ml) and IL-12(10 ng/ml) for 24 hours or followed by intracellular staining for NKT-like^+IL-10 and NKT-like^+TGF-β detection using FACS LSRII.Data showed that the level of TGF-β in NKT-like cells from HIV-infected individuals was significantly higher than that of normal controls subjects(P=0.017),while IL-10 levels had a higher trend in NKT-like cells,compared with normal control subjects.There was no correlation between TGF-β,IL-10 levels and CD4^+ T cells count/viral load(log10VL);there was a significant positive correlation between IL-10 and TGF-β(r=0.663,P=0.001).rIL-10 and rTGF-β could inhibit the secretion of IFN-γ and CD107 a of NKT-like cells in vitro.In conclusion,the levels of TGF-β and IL-10 in NKT-like cells of HIV infected individuals are elevated and they might accelerate immune dysfunction.
出处 《免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期961-965,共5页 Immunological Journal
基金 国家科技重大专项课题(2014ZX10001002001004) 基础临床紧密结合平台项目(医大发字[2013]5号)
关键词 HIV TGF-Β IL-10 NKT样细胞 HIV TGF-β IL-10 NKT-like cells
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