The paper is intended to bring about its study on the flight safety management of military airplanes by enhancing effective early-warning method. For the said purpose,we have made an exploration of the key reasonable and reliable factors that may influence the flight safety. In order to deepen our study of the flight safety management problem for such military airplanes,it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the study of the early-warning methods for guaranteeing the flight safety of such airplanes.First of all,when taking into full account the aviation flight system,it is necessary to remind us that it is a complicated socialtechnical system including such factors,as human operation,the aviation apparatus,the environment change and the inside of the aircraft and the airport organizational system. It is just on the basis of comprehensive consideration of all the factors included,we have established a flight safety early-warning index system from the aspects of the aforementioned factors,which comprise 4 level- 1 indices and 13 level- 2 indices. And,secondly,a new method for the flight safety early-warning,known as the SPA-VFS method,has been proposed based on the set pair analysis( SPA) and the theory of the variable fuzzy sets( VFS),in which we have identified and determined the relative membership of VFS by the synthetic connection degrees of the SPA so as to simplify the analysis process,in which we have worked out the weights of the early-warning indices via the analytical hierarchy process( AHP). And,then,the proposed SPA- VFS method has been oriented to verify its feasibility and validity for the flight safety early-warning of the 4 Flying Corps. Furthermore,we have made a comparison of the results of SPA- VFS method with the results of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation( FCE) and grey comprehensive evaluation( GCE). And,consequently,we have confirmed that the results for Sample 2,Sample 3 and Sample 4 of the three methods turn out to be the same. To be exact,the evaluation results of SPA- VFS for Sample 1 ranks Ⅲ( Slightly dangerous) whereas those for FCE and GCE for Sample 1 rank Ⅱ( Basically safe). However,through the analysis,the comprehensive safety situation of Sample 1 can only be attributed to rankⅢ. Thus,it can be seen that the results of SPA- VFS method prove to be reasonable,feasible for the actual safety early-warning necessity.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
flight safety early-warning
analytical hierarchy process(AHP)
set pair analysis(SPA)
variable fuzzy sets(VFS)