
钢铁行业不同二氧化碳排放核算方法比较及实例分析 被引量:9

Discussion and case study on the CO_2 emission calculation methods in iron and steel industry
摘要 系统梳理了政府间气候专门委员会(IPCC)及我国国家和地方层面(上海市、天津市)的钢铁行业碳核算方法,分析了方法特点、核算边界及排放因子的选择,并进行了实例分析。结果表明,IPCC核算方法较其他3种核算方法差异较大,而国家和地方层面方法学相差不大。IPCC核算方法主要用于国家层面温室气体排放清单计算,给出的排放因子具有全球普适性,但针对性和精确性较差;其他3种核算方法均为开展碳排放权交易服务,核算方法与核算边界相似,但对于排放因子与工业生产过程计算,因考虑到方法学的普适性,国家方法学较为全面,两地方方法学则更多考虑到当地钢铁行业的特点,碳核算具有区域特色,针对性较强。碳排放因子的选取是钢铁行业碳核算的重要影响因素,建议进一步细化碳排放因子,提高核算精确度。 This paper is to introduce our discussion and case study on the CO_2 emission calculation methods for calculating the four carbon emission calculation methods for iron and steel industry,two of which arecommonly used in Shanghai and Tianjin help to analyze the typical CO_2 emission situation of the iron and steel company groups in the country. As is known,the iron and steel industry is one of the main industries of greenhouse gas emission,which accounts for about 16 percent of the total industrial carbon emission volume in the country. What is more,the carbon dioxide( CO_2) can be said to be the premise to the exploration of the potentiality of energy consumption and saving in hoping to formulatethe emission reduction measures. The results of our calculation of the aforementioned total carbon emission of Shanghai and Tianjin volume show that the CO_2 emission in Company A calculated with the IPCC method has been found significantly higher than that calculated with the other three methods. The difference among the results can largely be attributed to the specifically industrial production processes. For example,the CO_2 emission factors per steel production unit can be calculated by IPCC by using the Shanghai-Tianjin calculation method account for 1. 46 t CO_2/t steel,0. 213 t CO_2/t steel,0. 180 t CO_2/t steel,0. 177 t CO_2/t steel,respectively. But the difference worked out by using the four calculation methods in the fossil fuel combustion emission is very little( about 8 percent). The analysis shows that the IPCC calculation method is mainly used for calculating the national emission inventory of the greenhouse gas emission,whereas the possess of the calculation of the emission factors for the global universality may seem to be quite the same,though the pertinence and accuracy of the calculation can be poor. As to the other three calculation methods,it can be said that they are roughly similar,all of which can be used for the calculation purpose to develop the carbon emission calculation models. From the point of view of the generality,the national calculation methods for calculating the industrial production process can be said quite comprehensive.Meanwhile,the two local calculation methods can be used to calculate the regional carbon dioxideemission which has to be taken into account the additional specific features of the local iron and steel industry. Thus,the selection of the carbon emission factors is an important part of carbon mission accounting for the features of the local iron and steel industry. And,if do,it can be said that the carbon emission factors should be refined further to make the accounting survey accuracy improved or confidential,the best way for this is to use the corporate self-test indexes.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期320-324,共5页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 中国清洁发展机制基金项目(1213107)
关键词 环境工程学 钢铁行业 碳排放核算 比较分析 environmental engineering iron and steel industry CO2 emission calculation comparative analysis
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