以广西平果岩溶型铝土矿区苔藓为研究对象,采集苔藓样品140份。采用经典形态分类法,发现苔藓属于13科25属44种,其中藓类10科22属41种,苔类3科3属3种,其中丛藓科(Pottiaceae)石灰藓属(Hydrogonium)疣叶石灰藓(Hydrogonium gangeticum)为主要优势种。丰富度指数从大到小的样地依次为原矿区、矿区农田、矿石堆、开采区、香蕉地、浓缩池、废矿区,Shannon-Wiener指数从大到小的样地依次为原矿区、矿区农田、矿石堆、浓缩池、香蕉地、开采区、废矿区。利用ICP-OES测定了该矿区土壤和苔藓的Al、Fe、Mn、Mg和Cr质量比,其中土壤Al质量比从大到小的样地依次为废矿区、浓缩池、矿石堆、原矿区、开采区、矿区农田、香蕉地,苔藓Al质量比从大到小的样地依次为开采区、废矿区、浓缩池、矿石堆、原矿区、矿区农田、香蕉地。冗余分析(RDA)表明,细叶石灰藓(Hydrogonium gracilentum)、疣叶石灰藓(Hydrogonium gangeticum)和卷叶毛口藓(Trichostomum involutum)对Al有一定耐受作用;相关性分析表明,丰富度指数与ShannonWiener指数呈极显著正相关(p<0.01),丰富度指数与苔藓Al质量比呈极显著负相关(p<0.01),土壤Al与苔藓Al质量比、苔藓Al与苔藓Fe质量比呈显著正相关(p<0.05)。研究表明,苔藓可作为该矿区金属污染的监测指示植物。
The present paper is engaged in an investigation and analysis of various bryophytes on the function of the karst bauxite area in monitoring metal contamination to a certain degree in Pingguo County,Guangxi. As a result of our investigation,we have collected 140 samples on the whole while applying them to identify their species with the morphological classification method.The results of our investigation show that there exist totally 25 genera and 44 species of bryophytes under 13 families,of which41 species are mixed-belonging to 22 genera of the 10 families,whereas the three species,the Hepaticae species,can be attributed to the 3 genera of the 3 families,respectively. However,the dominant species is Hydrogonium gangeticum,which can be attributed to Hydrogonium genera of the Pottiaceae families. The descending order of the abundant index can be shown in the following manner: the original bauxite the mining area of the farmlands ore heap area the working sections the banana farmland the sludge thickener the expanding mining discarded mining rocks,whereas the descending order of the Shannon-Wiener index can be shown as follows: the original bauxite the mining area of farmland ore heap area sludge thickener banana farmland working section the expanding abandoned mining rocks. We have also workedout the concentrations of Al,Fe,Mn,Mg and Cr in the bryophytes and their soil with the collected samples from the mine by using the Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy. As to the aluminum content of the soil,the descending order can be stated as follows: the growing abandoned mining rocks the sludge thickener the ore heap area the original bauxite the working section the mining area of the farmlands the banana farmland. In addition,as to the descending order of the aluminum content of the bryophytes,it can be seen as follows: the working section the banana-growing farmland the sludge thickener the ore heap area original bauxite the mining area of farmland banana farmland. It has resistant function against aluminum by Hydrogonium gracilentum,Hydrogonium gangeticum and Trichostomum involutum,which has been proven as a result of the redundancy analysis( RDA). What is more,we have also found that there exists a positive correlation between the abundant index and that of the Shannon-Wiener( p〈0. 01). On the other hand,a kind of negative correlation indicates the abundant index and aluminum content of bryophytes( p〈0. 01). The above said correlation shows the actual aluminum content of bryophytes and the soil,and the content of bryophytes and the iron content of bryophytes( p〈 0. 05). From what is mentioned above,the study results of the paper indicate that bryophytes has a function as a plant of the biological monitoring demonstrator for the bauxite mining area in bauxite deposits of the karst-filing type deposit.
Journal of Safety and Environment
karst bauxite
metal contamination
indicator plants
redundancy analysis