DL05钢的冶金流程为铁水-PB脱硫处理-BOF-吹氩-RH-200 mm×200 mm方坯连铸-轧制成Φ6.5 mm线材。分析了生产的256炉次的DL05钢化学成分对导电率的影响,得出钢中元素总含量或钢中Mn含量增加,钢的导电率降低,但当钢中元素总含量(不含Mn)增加,钢的导电率增加不显著,因此Mn含量对钢导电率的影响最大。提高钢的洁净度,亦有利于改善钢的导电率。通过将原先DL05钢的化学成分控制范围(/%:≤0.10C,≤0.10Si,≤0.35Mn,≤0.030P,≤0.030S)优化为(/%)≤0.02C,≤0.03Si,≤0.12Mn,≤0.025P,≤0.015S,和RH精炼过程有效控制钢的洁净度后,256炉次检验结果表明,该钢导电率≥16%的炉次比率从原63.25%提高到93.75%。
The metallurgical flowsheet for steel DL05 is hot metal- PB desulphurization treatment- BOF- argon blo- wing- RH- 200 mmx 200 mm blooms casting-rolled to Φ6. 5 mm rod products. The effect of produced 256 heats steel DL05 chemical composition on electric conductivity ratio is analyzed, it is obtained that with increasing total content of elements in steel or increasing Mn content in steel the electric conductivity ratio decreases, but with increasing the total content ele- ments (except Mn) the electric conductivity ratio of steel increases not obviously, therefore the effect of Mn content in steel on electric conductivity ratio is greatest. And improving the cleanliness of steel is available to improve the electric conduc- tivity ratio of steel. With optimizing the chemical composition original control range of steel DL05- /% : ≤0. 10C, ≤ 0.10Si, ≤0. 35Mn, ≤0. 030P and ≤0. 030S to the control range-/% :≤0. 02C,≤0. 03Si, ≤0. 12Mn,≤0. 025P and≤0. 015S, and effectively controlling the cleanliness of steel during RH refining, the 256 heats examination results show that the percentage of heats of electric conductivity ratio ≥16% increases from original 63.25% to 93.75%.
Special Steel
Steel DL05 for Cable, BOF-RH, Electric Conductivity Ratio, Mn, Chemical Composition