
试论西班牙英雄史诗《熙德之歌》 被引量:1

On Spanish Epic Cantar de Mío Cid
摘要 史诗是不同民族在其发展过程中某一历史时期具有里程碑性质的产物,体现着该民族在这个特定时期的民族精神。《熙德之歌》(Cantar de Mío Cid)不仅是卡斯蒂利亚地区的民族史诗,也是欧洲中世纪最伟大的史诗之一。它是用西班牙语创作的第一部伟大的文学作品。基于对史诗版本的梳理以及西班牙史诗和法国史诗的比较,《熙德之歌》既有作为一般史诗的共性,也有其个性。从史诗与史实的关系来看,《熙德之歌》中的人物有些可找到历史人物的原型,有些则是史诗作者的虚构。《熙德之歌》运用高超的艺术手段,通过对《流放》《婚礼》和《橡树林的暴行》等若干情节的精细描述,生动刻画了主要人物的性格特征。史诗的核心内容是熙德如何以正直、诚信的品格,通过不懈的斗争,捍卫了荣誉,并赢得了财富、权力和社会的尊敬。史诗作者为我们塑造了一个完美的、令人肃然起敬的英雄形象;作者的判断与价值取向,在全诗中无处不在,却又无迹可寻。 Epics are milestones for certain historical periods in the development of different nationalities,symbolizing the main spirit of the nationality.Cantar de Mío Cid,the first great work in Spanish,is not only the national epic for Castile, but also one of the greatest epics in the Middle Ages in Europe.This essay outlines various versions of the epic,compa-ring it with Spanish and French epics for a better demonstration of Cantar de Mío Cid as an epic.In addition,the relation-ship between epics and historical facts are analyzed,pointing out distinguished groups of historical personages and fiction-al characters by the author.Furthermore,via close-reading,the main plot was figured out,a precise description was made for the episodes of Exile,Wedding,Outrage in Oakley,and a detailed analysis was outlined on characteristics of the heroes and artistic means adopted by the author in creating the characters.The central idea in the epic is how honest and sincere Cid guarded honor,gained treasure,power and social esteem by continuous fighting.In conclusion,the essence of the epic is illustrated by the perfect and admiring heroic image in the epic,whose choices and values were displayed through the whole epic,but without a single word.Apparently,Cid,as an honest and benevolent husband and father, exceeded his contemporaries.Last but not least,this essay analyzes the poetic meter,artistic style of the epic as well as academic evaluation of the epic.
作者 赵振江 程弋洋 ZHAO Zhen-jiang CHENG Yi-yang(School of Foreign Studies, Beij ing Universiiy , Beij ing 100871, China Department of Spanish, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第5期18-31,共14页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 西班牙 《熙德之歌》 熙德 史诗 Spain Cantar de Mío Cid Cid Epics
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  • 8贡萨罗·德·贝尔塞奥(GonzalodeBerceo,约1196-1252).西班牙第一位有名有姓的用卡斯蒂利亚语写作的诗人.他的作品从形式上说,是当时的“先锋派”,而内容却均与宗教有关,其中比较突出的有《圣多明戈传》《圣奥里亚传》《圣米良传》等.
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