
硼钢板热冲压过程马氏体相变预测 被引量:7

Prediction of martensitic transformation in hot forming of boron steel sheet
摘要 硼钢板热冲压在汽车车身制造中的应用是实现汽车轻量化和提高碰撞安全性的有效途径,该过程中板料马氏体相变的预测和控制对零件组织性能和几何精度有重要作用。以汽车热冲压件的特征结构-U形梁为研究对象,考虑模具的温度变化和模具水道的冷却作用,建立了硼钢板热冲压过程热力耦合三维有限元模型,将马氏体相变动力学模型以子程序形式嵌入有限元模型中,实现对马氏体相变的预测,并与实验结果进行了对比。 The application of hot forming of boron steel sheet(BSS)to the automobile body manufacturing is an effective way to realize lightweight and improve crash safety of automobile.Prediction and control of martensitic transformation in the process have an important role on microstructure,properties and geometric accuracy.Taking the feature structure of hot stamped parts-Ushaped part as the object,a coupled thermo-mechanical FE model of hot forming of BSS was established based on ABAQUS,considering the temperature change of dies and the role of cooling waterway in dies.The martensite phase transformation kinetics model was implemented in the FE model through the subroutine to predict martensitic transformation,and the prediction results were compared with the experimental ones.
出处 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期120-124,共5页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51205116) 材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(2012-P12) 湖北省自然科学基金资助项目(2014CFB628) 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目(T201518) 校博士科研基金资助项目(BK201102)
关键词 硼钢 热冲压 马氏体相变 有限元 boron steel hot forming martensitic transformation finite element
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