
长沙市城乡小学生体质对比分析 被引量:1

Comparative Analysis of Physical Quality of Urban and Rural Elementary School Students in Changsha
摘要 长沙市教育部门为了解长沙市城乡青少年学生体质的现状,从2005年起,每年都对长沙市的中小学生进行抽样监测,本研究以2012年长沙市小学生的体质健康标准测试数据为对象,运用采用文献资料、数理统计、比较研究等方法,对长沙市城乡小学生体质状况进行比较分析,探究长沙市城乡小学生的体质状况及其成因,为相关部门的决策提供参考依据。结果:长沙市城乡小学生身体形态、身体机能、身体素质均随着年龄的增长而增长;长沙市城市小学生身体形态和身体素质普遍优于乡村,但心肺功能低于乡村。结论:长沙市城乡小学生体质状况均存在不足,相关部门应根据当前具体情况,因事制宜,全面提高城乡小学生体质水平。 In order to understand the physical quality situation of urban and rural elementary school students in Changsha,every year primary and middle school students in Changsha are monitoring sampling from 2005 by Department of Education in Changsha. Taking 2012 as an example,by applying the methods of documentation,statistical analysis and comparative research,the thesis researches the situation of physical quality,compares thephysical quality and effect factors of urban and rural elementary school students in Changsha,which could provide reference basis for decision- making departments. Result: Students body shape,body function,body quality are increased with age,the body shape and bodyquality of urban is generally better than that of rural,but the vital capacity is lower. Conclusion: Physical qualitycondition of Changsha,urban and rural elementary school students is limited,and the relevant departments should improve it according to the specific circumstances.
作者 彭敏 肖夕君
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2016年第11期33-35,共3页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
基金 湖南省教育厅科研项目(湖南省贫困地区儿童青少年体质现状及其改善对策研究)(项目编号:5026302)
关键词 小学生 体质 长沙市 elementary school students physical quality Changsha
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