

The Effect to Coordination after 8- Week- Training on Tennis
摘要 目的:本研究探讨网球训练对平衡能力和手眼协调性的影响。我们尝试确定接受过网球训练的人与没接受过网球训练的人之间协调发展速度的差异。实验方法:首先将受试者分为两组。第一组为17名男性大学生且都打过网球,年龄平均为22.11±0.98岁。他们平均球龄在两年以上,并且平均每周有三天在打球;第二组为从没打过网球的15名男性大学生,平均年龄为20.46±1.60岁。对他们同时进行8周的网球训练,训练内容一样,训练时间一样,每周两次,每次两小时。在训练中不会进行针对的平衡与协调性的训练。在训练过程中对受试者进行平衡测试、手眼协调性测试以及网球技术测试。第一次测试时间为第2周训练完,第二次测试为第4周训练完,最后一次测试在第8周训练完。实验结果:在第一次测试和第三次测试结果上,平衡能力、隐性手眼协调和网球技术方面,两组存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。此外,在学习速度方面第一次与第二次测试结果有显著性差异(P<0.05)大于第二次测试与第三次测试(P>0.05)。这个结果支持了第二个研究目的,随着训练时间加长两组的弱势手手眼协调性和网球技术的学习速度在变慢。 Purpose: This study investigates the effects of tennis training on balance and hand eye coordination.We try to determine the differences in the pace of development between people who have trained in tennis and those who do not receive tennis training. Experiment method: first,the subjects will be divided into two groups.The first group is made by 17 male college students and each of them has played tennis,the average age of 22. 11± 0. 98 years old. Their average age for playing tennisis more than two years,and play three days a week on average. The second group is made by 15 males who had never played tennisbefore,their average age is 20. 46 ±1. 60 years old. At the same time,they have 8 weeks of tennis training,the context and time on training are totally same,two times a week,two hours each. Duringthe training,thetraining for balance and coordination will not be taught. Balance,hand eye coordination and tennis technology test will be testedduring the training process. The first test willbe carried on after the second week,the second test will be after the fourth weeks,the last test will be after the eighth weeks of training. The results: There is a significant difference( P 0. 05) between the first test and the third test on balance ability,hand eye coordination and tennis technology. In addition,the speed of learning between the first and second test has significantly different( P 0. 05) which is bigger than second tests and third tests( P 0. 05). The results support the purpose of second research,with longer time on training the recessive hand eye coordination and tennis learning speed oftwo groups are getting slower.
作者 程瑞琦
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2016年第11期66-68,共3页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 网球 平衡 手眼协调 学习 运动控制 tennis balance hand-eye coordination improvement of learning motor control
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