
基于openflow网络的虚拟网络映射研究 被引量:2

Multi-domain virtual network mapping based on openflow network
摘要 基于多个openflow网络自治域提出各域共同合作完成虚拟网络映射,由于各域公开的信息有限,传统的单域映射方法不适用于虚拟网络跨域映射,文章提出一种竞价机制的跨域虚拟网络映射框架(bidding multi-domain virtual network mapping,B-MDVNM),在框架内针对虚拟节点映射采用启发式均衡算法(balancing heuristic algorithm,BHA),并通过仿真实验和现有的虚拟节点映射算法从效率、开销、性能等方面进行对比来验证BHA的有效性。 In this paper, the multi-domain cooperation to complete the virtual network mapping is put forward based on the multiple openflow network autonomous domain. Because of the limited disclosed informa- tion, the traditional single domain mapping method is not applicable to multi-domain virtual network map- ping. Therefore, the bidding multi-domain virtual network mapping(B-MDVNM) framew orkl is proposed in which the balancing heuristic algorithm(BHA) is applied for the virtual nodes mapping. Finaliy, the simulation and the comparison between BHA and the existing virtual nodes mapping algorithm in view of the efficiency, overhead and performance are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the BHA.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1352-1356,共5页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(1508085MF115)
关键词 虚拟网络 跨域映射 openflow网络域B-MDVNM框架 BHA算法 有效性 virtual network multi-domain mapping openflow domain bidding multi-domain virtualnetwork mapping(B-MDVNM) framework~ balancing heuristic algorithm(BHA) effectiveness
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