
环Z_4+uZ_4+u^2Z_4上的循环码 被引量:3

Cyclic codes over the ring Z_4+uZ_4+u^2Z_4
摘要 环R=Z4+uZ4+u2 Z4既不是有限链环也不是主理想环,其中u3=0。文章研究了环Z4+uZ4+u2 Z4上任意长度的循环码,确定了R上任意长度n的循环码的结构,定义了R到Z34的一个Gray映射,证明了R上长为n的循环码的Gray像是Z4上长为3n、指数为3的准循环码。 The ring R=Z4+uZ4+u2Z4 is neither a finite ring nor a principle ideal ring,, where u3 =0. In this paper, cyclic codes over R of an arbitrary length are studied. The structure of cyclic codes over R of length n is determined. A Gray map from R to Z43 is defined. It is proved that the Gray map of a cyclic code over R of length n is a quasi-cyclic code of length 3n and index 3 over Z4.
作者 王艳萍 刘丽
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1432-1436,1440,共6页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11201107 11401154)
关键词 循环码 环同态 GRAY映射 准循环码 cyclic code ring homomorphism Gray map quasi-cyclic code
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