

Home-Grounded Constructions: Cognitive Interpretations and Implications
摘要 语法学者对"HOME空间构式"(如go home)有不同的解释,主要有两种观点:一种受传统语法影响,认为home是副词;另一种受生成语法影响,认为home是"光杆名词"或"轻名词",构式中存在"虚位介词"。本文从认知语言学和语言类型学角度探讨HOME构式的形成机制,认为home是路径-背景合并型的卫星语,是语言内在的语法机制(词汇化、标记性)和人类的认知规律(典型范畴、认知突显、经济原则)共同作用的结果。本研究对广义的"运动动词+空间名词"构式具有一定的解释力。 There are two major viewpoints towards HOME constructions such as "go home". Traditional grammarians have taken "home" as an adverb while generativists have treated it as a bare or light noun with a null preposition. Adopting a cognitive-linguistic and typological perspective, we argue that it belongs to the type of "satellites" conflating path and ground, the formation of which is determined by grammatical mechanisms ( i.e. lexicalization and markedness) as well as cognitive mechanisms ( i. e. prototypicality, salience and economy). The findings have wider implications for the understanding of "motion verb + spatial NP" constructions.
出处 《山东外语教学》 2016年第5期16-23,共8页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目"英语国家儿童读物中语言知识的提取与分析"(项目编号:2012M520196)的阶段性成果
关键词 HOME构式 词汇化 标记性 认知机制 HOME constructions lexicalization markedness cognitive mechanisms
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