
论美国大学教育“双层制”形成原因 被引量:1

On the Legitimacy of a Two-tiered Higher Education System in the US
摘要 美国大学的双层体制是指大学内部分别由本科生院承担本科层次的教育和由专业学院承担研究生层次的教育。美国大学的双层体制形成原因在于:就本科教育层次来说,美国本科教育水平低下、本科生院对学校经费的支持以及美国校友的本科生院情结促使本科生院得以保留。就研究生层次来说,留德学者对德国大学模式的推崇、大学的竞争与政府鼓励机制以及全美大学联合会的推动促使研究生教育成为与本科生教育并驾齐驱的一个教育层次。美国大学的双层体制形式更加灵活,能够适应不同的教育任务,成为美国高等教育系统的基本形式。世界各国的高等教育系统也趋于走向双层或多层。 The two-tiered higher education system in the US refers to the fact that there are both undergraduate and graduate programs /schools in most US universities. On the one hand,undergraduate programs / schools bring in money by charging students tuition,and help to cultivate a strong relationship between alumni donors and the university. On the other hand,amidst fierce competition for funding and research grants,graduate programs / schools in US universities are following the German model,emphasizing the unity of teaching and research. Such a two-tiered system is flexible and helps to achieve the multifaceted mission of the US universities. Many universities around the world today are also adopting this two-tiered or multi-tiered higher education system.
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期37-41,113,共5页 Modern University Education
关键词 双层体制 本科生院 研究生院 two-tier system undergraduate schools graduate schools
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