
日本国立大学研究者性别平等保障机制的构建 被引量:1

Institutional Mechanism for Gender Equality among Research Staff in Japanese National Universities
摘要 在少子老龄化的大背景下,日本国立大学肩负着男女平等这一社会价值的推进者和下一代女性人才培养者的重任。在政府不断出台政策法规的持续推动和监督下,以东京大学为代表的日本国立大学构建了研究者性别平等保障机制,从研究和生活两个方面援助女性研究者,将性别公平引入学术评价机制,从而改善了女性研究者的学术环境。这对在新的生育政策下如何破解我国女性研究者工作与生活难以兼顾的困境有一定借鉴作用。 Japanese national universities are committed to promoting gender equality and cultivating female talents and leaders. Take the University of Tokyo as an example. The University has established,under the guidance and supervision of the Government,institutional mechanism to foster gender equality among research staff in academic evaluation,and at the same time,provide support or assistance to its female staff to improve their life,both professional and personal. Measures taken by Japanese universities here may also be applicable for improving the work-life balance for female researchers in China today.
作者 顾蕾
出处 《现代大学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期49-54,87,共7页 Modern University Education
关键词 国立大学 日本 东京大学 性别 公平 女性研究者 the University of Tokyo gender equality national universities participation of both sexes female researchers
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