The aim of this study is to compare and discuss the efficacy of FDG PET/CT (fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computated tomography) in the diagnosis, staging, prognosis, pre-therapeutic planning, therapeutic assessment and detecting recurrence of mesothelioma. Following method has been used: (1) Search setting on PubMed (by priority): meta-analysis, randomized controlled trial, other study types; (2) The key words: "FDG PET/CT", "mesothelioma", "diagnosis", "staging", "prognosis", "therapeutic", "assessment" and "recurrences"; (3) Review the literature that discusses the imaging modalities in the management of mesothelioma; (4) Create an evidence table; (5) Compare and discuss the different modalities and their sensitivity and specificity in managing mesothelioma; (6) Construct the passage reviewing the articles chosen. There is evidence that suggests that FDG PET/CT is superior to most other modalities in the diagnosis, staging, prognosis, pre-therapeutic planning, therapeutic assessment and detecting recurrence of mesothelioma. There are some close contenders like PET scan by itself as a modality to detect mesothelioma. However, due to the lack of anatomical presentation, there were many occurrences of misdiagnosis. FDG PET/CT, which superimposes functional imaging over the anatomical mapping, yields a more accurate presentation ofmesothelioma. The nature of this hybrid imaging enables diagnosis and management to be carried-out in a minimally invasive manner. PET/CT to a great extent has tranformed the way we diagnose neoplastic occurences heretofore. By amalgamating anatomic localization to functional imaging, this hybrid modality yields valuable information that was remotely attainable before. Although there are a few flaws to PET/CT that have been discussed in some studies, there is an apparent potential to this modality that is waiting to be uncovered. Evidently, PET/CT is highly effective in differentiating benign and malignant pleural lesion. Likewise, it is substantially useful in the management of mesothelioma particularly in the diagnosis, staging, prognosis, treatment, monitoring and detecting recurrences. With PET/CT having such adequacy in managing mesothelioma, it is imperative to acknowledge and further investigate this modality as a central tool in the management of the latter for the exclusive benefit of the patient.