
湖南省地市级三级综合医院运行效率及变动研究 被引量:8

Study on Operating Efficiency and Efficiency Changes of Municipal Tertiary General Hospitals in Hunan Province
摘要 目的分析湖南省13家地市级三级综合医院的运行效率及变动状况,为医院提高效率和生产率提供决策依据。方法收集湖南省13家地市级三级综合医院2013—2014年的投入产出指标,选取适宜指标构建DEA效率评价模型,利用BC2模型和超效率模型计算样本医院各年度运行效率及排序,再利用Malmquist指数分析跨期效率变动情况。结果2013年4家样本医院技术效率有效,9家无效,4家处于规模报酬固定阶段,1家处于规模报酬递增阶段,8家处于规模报酬递减阶段;2014年5家样本医院技术效率有效,8家无效,6家处于规模报酬固定阶段,7家处于规模报酬递减阶段。2013—2014年12家样本医院生产率有所改善,仅1家有所下降。结论样本医院规模效率普遍高于技术效率,不同医院的纯技术效率存在较大差异,由外延式规模发展转为内涵式精益发展是地市级公立医院的必然选择。 Objective To evaluate operating efficiency and efficiency changes of 13 municipal tertiary general hospi- tals in Hunan Province, so as to provide references for improving efficiency and productivity and adapt to health sys- tem reform better. Methods Collecting input and output data of 13 municipal tertiary general hospitals in 2013-2014, using BC2 model and super efficiency model to evaluate the operating efficiency and the efficiency ranks, and using Malmquist index to analyze the efficiency and productivity changes through the period. Results In 2013, there were 4 efficient hospitals, 9 inefficient hospitals, 4 hospitals at CRS stage, 1 hospital at IRS stage and 8 hospitals at DRS stage. In 2014, there were 5 efficient hospitals, 8 inefficient hospitals, 6 hospitals at CRS stage and 7 hospitals at DRS stage. During 2013-2014, 12 hospitals' productivity increased and 1 hospital decreased. Conclusion Sample hospitals' scale efficiency was generally higher than technical efficiency and their pure technical efficiency differed widely. Switching the development pattern from denotative scale development to lean connotative development is the inevitable choice for municipal public general hospitals.
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2016年第11期39-41,共3页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71173237)
关键词 三级综合医院 运行效率 数据包络分析 超效率 MALMQUIST指数 tertiary general hospital operating efficiency DEA super efficiency Malmquist index
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