
宜兴市2011—2015年首次献血者情况分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Situation of First Blood Donors in Yixing From 2011 to 2015
摘要 目的了解宜兴地区近五年首次献血者基本情况,为更有针对性地加强无偿献血宣传、改进招募策略、修订完善政策、提升服务水平提供依据。方法从宜兴市红十字会血站信息系统导出近五年首次献血者基础数据,综合质管科、血源科数据汇总,进行回顾性统计分析。结果 2011—2015年首次献血人次占比稳定在总献血人次的38%左右;男性多于女性;首次献血者中18-25岁人群占到40%以上,18-45岁人群占到90%以上;首次献血400 m L以上比例明显低于非首次献血;首次献血参与人次和团体或者个人组织的方式没有明显差异;首次献血检验不合格占比从2012年的3.37%下降到2015年的2.83%,非首次献血检验不合格占比从2012年的5.65%下降到2015年的2.25%;献血反应人次从2011年的1.16%逐年下降到2015年的0.13%。结论近几年管理干预是有效的。针对性的宣传招募策略使首次献血人群中年轻人参与率保持在较高水平;通过谷丙转氨酶筛查,使血液报废率明显下降,不必要的血液浪费得以控制;通过改善献血环境,改进献血流程等措施,使献血反应人次明显下降,因献血反应导致的献血风险降低。 Objective To know the basic situation of first blood donors in Yixing Area in recent five years and provide basis for pointedly enhancing the voluntary blood donation publicity, improving the recruitment strategies, revising and improving policies and improving the service level. Methods The basic data of the first blood donors in recent five years, data in the department of comprehensive quality management and department of blood were exported from the Red Cross blood station information system in Yixing for summary and retrospective analysis. Results The ratio of first blood donors accounted for38% in the total blood donors from 2011 to 2015, and the male was more than the female, the first blood donors aged from18 to 25 accounted for 40% or above, aged from 18 to 45 accounted for 90% or above, the ratio of first blood donation with400 ml or above was obviously lower than the non-first blood donation, and the unqualified rate of first blood donation test decreased from 3.37% in 2012 to 2.83% in 2015, and the unqualified rate of non-first blood donation test deceased from5.65% in 2012 to 2.25% in 2015, and the blood donation reaction rate decreased form 1.16% in 2011 to 0.13% in 2012 year by year. Conclusion In recent years, the management intervention has been effective, the targeted publicity and recruitment strategies make the participation rate of youngsters at a higher level in the first blood donation population, and the screening makes the blood discarding rate obviously decrease and unnecessary blood waste controlled, and the blood donation reaction person obviously decreases by improving the blood donation environment and blood donation course, therefore,the blood donation risks caused by the blood donation reaction decrease.
作者 杨莹 徐智浩
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2016年第30期15-17,共3页 China Health Industry
关键词 宜兴市 2011—2015年 首次献血者 无偿献血 Yixing From 2011 to 2015 First blood donors Unpaid blood donation
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