

The Discussion About Treating Furunculosis in Waike Mingyin Ji
摘要 疔毒虽为外科疾患,但其发病跟毒滞脏腑、邪侵机体密切相关,临证时仍当根据证候表现辨证论治,施以内服汤剂,扶正祛邪,调和阴阳,畅旺气血。若为毒火壅滞脏腑的实证,应用黄连汤疏解;若是"毒气过盛,内脏反虚,渐增神昏溃乱"的虚实夹杂之证,则宜用内托安神散益气养阴安神;若为邪侵机表的表实证,可用七星剑汤发汗解表;若是邪入少阳,寒热兼作的半表半里证,宜用小柴胡汤加减和解少阳;若是患者不谨遵戒条,或医者治法失误而发生走黄之险证,临证治疗当随机应变。除用内服之法治疗外,《外科明隐集》还综合运用了多种外治之法,如选用蟾酥丸内服外敷。《外科明隐集》没有因为疔毒是外科疾患而只用外治之法,而是内服、外敷、汤洗、针刺、艾灸等多种治疗方法并用,从理法方药上详尽地论述了疔毒的诊疗特点。 Furunculosis belongs to a kind of surgical disease,but it has close relationship with toxin stagnating in the viscera, exogenous pathogens attacking the body. So it is necessary to diagnose based on syndrome differentiation, and take decoction for oral administration in order to strengthen healthy qi and remove pathogens, regulate yin and yang, and activate qi and blood circulation. For toxin and heat stagnating in the viscera, Coptis Decoction should be used;For syndrome of intermingled deficiency and excess marked by excessive toxin,deficient viscera,mental confusion, Mind-Calming Powder should be used to tonify qi, nourish yin and calm the mind ;For syndrome of superficial sthenia due to pathogen attacking the superficies,Herba Moslae Cavaleriei Decoction shouht be used to produce sweating and relieve the superficial;For meso-exterior-interior syndrome marked by intermingled cold and heat clue to pathogen attacking shaoyang,Modified Minor Bupleurum Decoction should be used to relieve shaoyang disorder;If patients don't follow the doctor's advice, or the doctor mistreats the patient, dangerous syndromes will appear, and treatment should be flexible based on syndrome differentiation. Besides decoction for oral administration is used, a lot of external therapies are also adopted in Waike Mingyin Ji. For example, Venenum Bufonis Pill is used for both oral administration and external application. This book does not use external therapies for the fact that furuneulosis is a kind of surgical disease, but adopts a set of comprehensive therapies such as oral administration, external application, washing with decoction, acupuncture, moxibuslion, etc. It expounds diagnosis and treatment features of furunculosis from mechanism, methods,prescription anti herbs with great details, which provides great guidance significance.
机构地区 泸州医学院
出处 《河南中医》 2016年第9期1520-1521,共2页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 《外科明隐集》 疔毒 黄连汤 安神散 七星剑汤 小柴胡汤 蟾酥丸 Waike Mingyin Ji furunculosis Coptis Decoction Mind-Calming Powder Herba Moslae Cavaleriei Decoction Minor Bupleurum Decoction Venenum Bufonis Pill
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