

Wenbao Yin(温胞饮) Oral Temperature + Enema Combined Compound Xuan Ju Capsule Treat Women Yinleng(阴冷) 34 Cases of Clinical Observation
摘要 [目的]观察温胞饮口服+灌肠联合复方玄驹胶囊治疗女性阴冷疗效。[方法]使用前瞻性设计方法,对34例门诊患者温胞饮(菟丝子、白术、山药、党参、杜仲各15g,巴戟天、补骨脂、芡实各10g,肉桂、附子各3g;少腹寒冷甚加艾叶、香附制、吴茱萸、白芷、元胡醋各10g;头晕耳鸣、身疲乏力加黄芪、当归、白扁豆、天麻各15g;小便频数或尿后余沥不尽或夜尿多加益智仁、乌药、升麻、车前子、泽泻各10g;腰膝酸软加鹿角霜、桑寄生各20g;月经量少加桃仁、红花、川牛膝各15g,三棱、莪术各10g;心烦急躁易怒加柴胡、白芍、苏梗、陈皮各10g;肝郁化火加丹皮、栀子、桑叶各10g),1剂/d,水煎600m L,早晚温服各200m L,余200m L晚睡前灌肠,并将药渣熬汁1000m L趁热蒸汽熏洗外阴,药凉后坐浴约15min。复方玄驹胶囊3粒/次,3次/d,服药后火气较大改为2粒/次。连续治疗15d为1疗程。观测临床症状、性功能评分、不良反应。连续治疗2疗程,判定疗效。[结果]性功能评分治疗前(6.79±3.43)分,治疗后(16.35±5.23)分。临床疗效治愈23例,显效6例,有效3例,无效2例,总有效率94.00%。[结论]温胞饮口服+灌肠联合复方玄驹胶囊治疗女性阴冷,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 [Objective] To observe the Wenbao Yin oral+enema combined compound XuanJu capsule treatment of women with Yinleng. [Method] Using the prospective design method of 34 cases of outpatient service Wenbao Yin (dodder, atractylodes, yam, dangshen, cortex eucommiae each 15g, medicinal indianmulberry root, malaytea scurfpea fruit, Gordon euryale seed 10g each, cinnamon, each 3g; lateral root of aconite lower abdomen is very cold plus moxa leaf, sweet vinegar, evodia rutaecarpa, angelica dahurica, yuan hu every 10g; dizziness tinnitus, fatigue stress of astragalus, angelica, white hyacinth bean, gastrodia elata each 15g, burning on urination and the frequency or urine after endless Yu Li or nocturia more fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae, radix linderae, cohosh, semen plantaginis, alisma every 10g; lumbar debility added cornu cervi, mulberry parasitism each 20g; menstrual quantity is little and peach kernel, safflower, radix cyathulae each 15g, rhizoma sparganii, rhizoma zedoariae, 10g; upset irritability and radix bupleuri, radix paeoniae alba, Sue terrier, dried tangerine or orange peel every 10g; liver fire and cortex moutan, gardenia, mulberry leaves every 10g), 1/d, Fried 600 ml water, 200 ml warm clothing in the morning and evening each, 200mL in enema before he goes to bed at night, and use the liquid to boil juice 1000 ml, pour into a clean basin, hot steam fumigation vulva, medicine bath in cold took about 15 min. Compound XuanJu capsules 3 grain/time, 3 times/d, internal heat instead of 2 larger grain/time after taking this medicine. 15d continuous treatment for 1 course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, sexual function score and adverse reactions. Continuous treatment 2 period of treatment, judge curative effect. [Results] Function score before treatment 6.79 ± 3.43, 16.35 ± 5.23 after treatment. Clinical curative effect to cure the 23 cases, 6 cases were markedly improved, 3 eases ineffective in 2 eases, and total effective rate was 94.00%. Pinoeytosis. [Conclusion] Wenbao Yin joint compound XuanJu capsule oral+enema treatment of women, cold, curative effect is satisfied, no serious adverse reactions, worthy of promotion.
作者 曹向黎
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第10期29-31,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 阴冷 性功能障碍 温胞饮 灌肠 熏洗 坐浴 复方玄驹胶囊 性功能评分 中医药治疗 临床观察 Yinleng sexual dysfunction women Wenbao Yin enema fumigation bath fufangxuanju capsule sexual function score TCM therapy clinical observation
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