

Effects of ethanol on sucrose solution consumption in captive nectarivorous bats Eonycteris spelaea
摘要 在自然生境中,果蝠主要以果实或者花蜜为食,成熟果实或花蜜由于微生物发酵而含一定量的乙醇。乙醇在生态系统中是一种常见物质,它是生物厌氧代谢的终端产物之一(Van Waarde,1991)。一旦果实成熟,它们中的糖分就会被微生物或者自身发酵代谢成乙醇(Battcock and Azam-Ali,1998;Dudley,2000,2004)。果实中的乙醇浓度主要是由这些以糖分为能源的发酵微生物的扩增状态来决定, Nectarivorous bats, (Eonycteris spelaea) generally choose to eat nectar or ripe fruit in which ethanol concentra- tion increases as the fruit and nectar ripen. Ethanol concentration may act as an odor cue, guiding frugivorous bats to the fruit or flower, and aiding them in assessing its quality. We wondered whether ethanol could act as an appetitive stimulant and influenced the quantity of food consumption by captive bats. We offered food ( sucrose solution) containing 7 concen- trations levels of ethanol (0. 005%, 0. 01%, 0. 05%, 0. 1%, 0. 3%, O. 5% or 1% ), to captive bats to test whether the bats' responses were positive or negative, i. e. , they ate more or less when ethanol in the food increased comparing to con- trol (ethanol free). The results showed that E. spelaea did not change consumption of food containing 0. 005% ethanol, but significantly decreased consumption at higher levels of ethanol concentration ( ≥0. 01% ) , When ethanol concentra- tion in food was at 1%, food consumption was only 34% compared to that of ethanol free. Our results indicatethat ethanol in food has a negative influence on food intake when its concentration reached O. 01%, but the reasons for this remained to be further tested.
出处 《兽类学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期464-468,共5页 Acta Theriologica Sinica
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2013B050800024 2015A020209093 2016GDASPT-0215)
关键词 长舌果蝠 食蜜动物 乙醇 摄食量 Eonycteris spelaea Ethanol Food consumption Nectarivore animals
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