
无意识:内部还是外部?——从弗洛伊德到拉康 被引量:2

Unconscious: Internal or External?——From Freud to Lacan
摘要 自无意识被发现起,弗洛伊德的精神分析深化了对人类精神世界的认识。其所构造的多重内外现实之区分模式不仅重构了人类的精神结构,同时也动摇了古典形而上学及认识论的基础。而拉康借结构主义潮流,在其符号—想象—实在三联体基础上,以语言"外部决定论"与"实在之外在"等阐述不断深化、也重新定义了精神结构所内在的多重复杂内外关系。 Since Freud discovered the unconsciousness,his psychoanalysis deepened on our understanding of human being's psychic world. With his multiple patterns to distinguish between internal reality and external reality,he reconstructed not only human being's psychic structure,but also shook the base of classic metaphysics and epistemology. And following the trend of structuralism,with expressions such as'the external determinism of language'and'the externality of the Real',Lacan continuously deepened and redefined the multiple complex internal-external relations in the mental structure,on the basis of his triad of symbolic-imaginary-real.
作者 居飞
出处 《世界哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期40-49,157,共10页 World Philosophy
基金 2014年"上海市浦江人才计划"(项目编号:14PJC100) 2014年"同济大学人文社会科学青年基金"项目(项目编号:20141850)资助
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  • 1居飞.无意识:局部或者整体?——精神分析的认识论[J].哲学动态,2015(2):70-77. 被引量:4
  • 2Freud, S. , 2012, OEuvres Completes, sous la direction de Jean Laplanche, Paris, PUF.
  • 3Freud, S. , 1956, La naissance de la psychanalyse, Paris, PUF.
  • 4Lacan, J. , 1975, Les ~crits techniques de Freud, Paris, Seuil.
  • 5Lacan, J. , 2006, D'un Autre tt l'autre, Paris, Seuil.
  • 6Lacan, J. , 1966 -1967, La logique dufantasme, ALI, in6dit.
  • 7Laplanche, J., Pontalis, J.-B. , 1967, Vocabulaire de lapsychanalyse, Paris, PUF.
  • 8Laplanche, J., 1981, Probl~matiques IV L'inconscient et lena, Paris, PUF.


  • 1弗洛伊德.《释梦》,孙名之译,商务印书馆,2002年,146页-147页.
  • 2Andre Well, Appendice attx Structures elementaires de la parente de Claude Levi-Strauss, PUF, 1949.
  • 3Sigmund Freud, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud ,第14卷,w.W.Norton&Company,1976,P.181,P.233.
  • 4Sigmund Freud, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud ,第4卷,P.541,P.601,P.509.
  • 5Sigmund Freud, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud ,第12卷,P.223,P.213.
  • 6Jacques Lacan, La relation d'objet, Seuil, 1994, p. 16.
  • 7Jacques Lacan, Lesformations de l'inconscient, Seuil, 1998, p. 481.
  • 8Jacques Lacan, Les problomes crucia pour la psychanalyse, Legon du 16 juin 1965, ALI.
  • 9Jacques Lacan, Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, seuil, 1973, pp. 31 ~ 32.
  • 10Jacques Lacan, La logique dufantasme, Lemon du 26 avril 1967, ALI.










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