

Coexistence of pluralism and struggle:Influence of neoliberalism on the gender consciousness of college students
摘要 伴随着社会文化的不断发展,高校学生群体的性别观念日趋平等和包容。然而在这种看似愈加平等的价值观背后,还隐藏着新自由主义经济理性对这一未来精英群体的价值渗透,以及由此呈现出来的男、女性别观念的差异。表现为:高校男生的价值观念仍然更多的建立在竞争性的关系模式之上,他们更多的认同个人主义、效率和竞争性的发展分工模式。高校女生的价值观念则更多的挣扎在传统的家庭-共同体纽带与新自由主义市场竞争的逻辑之间。二者之间持续而又紧张的压力让高学历女性陷入到更大的主体撕裂和行为困境之中。 With the socio- cultural development nowadays,the gender consciousness of college students tends to be more equality-based and inclusive. However,with this seemingly more equality,the economic rationality of neoliberalism has a huge influence on this younger generation of future elite,which also results in a typical difference in terms of gender concept between the male and female college students. For example,the male college students are more willing to build their values on the basis of the competitive mode,and usually believe in individualism,efficiency as well as competitiveness in the division of labor. While the female college students on the other hand are struggling more between the traditional bond of the family as well as the community and the market competition of neoliberalism. Thus,the continuous tension between the two leads the well- educated women to a puzzlement of identity and behavioral dilemma.
作者 李洁
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期69-77,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(文化类)"男女平等价值观研究与相关理论探讨"(项目编号:12-ZD035)阶段成果
关键词 新自由主义 社会性别 价值观 青年精英 父权制 neoliberalism gender values young elite patriarchy
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