目的探索PDCA循环应用于麻醉性镇痛药哌替啶管理的效果。方法 2015年下半年,通过运用PDCA循环管理对我院麻醉性镇痛药哌替啶的使用进行管理。对比分析2015年行PDCA循环管理前后,麻醉性镇痛药哌替啶临床合理使用情况。结果通过PDCA循环管理模式,我院2015年下半年哌替啶注射液不合理使用大幅减少,2015年上半年不合理使用16例(4.95%)而2015下半年无不合理使用的病例,达到了哌替啶注射液的规范化使用。结论运用PDCA循环管理方法能进一步规范化麻醉性镇痛药哌替啶的临床使用。
Objective To explore the effects of PDCA model on the clinical rational use of Pethidine. Methods The clinical use of Pethidine were analysed before and after the implementation of PDCA model. Results After practicing PDCA model, the unreasonable use of Pethidine decerased significantly in the second half of 2015. In the first half of 2015, there were 16 cases of unreasonable use of Pethidine, accounting for 4.95%. While in the second half of the year, there was no irrational use of Pethidine in cancer cases. The PDCA management model made the clinical use of Pethidine standardized. Conclusion The PDCA management model can effectively improve the management of the clinical rational use of narcotic analgesics Pethidine.
Anti-Tumor Pharmacy