This paper looks beyond the current digital horizon by asking a number of questions about the future of higher education. It draws on the current experience in the Republic of Ireland to discuss some of the questions facing both China and Europe in the age of the Massive Open Online Course(MOOC).A case is made for longer-term thinking about the future of new models of higher education in the backdrop of some of the wider global and societal challenges facing humanity. This bigger picture perspective frames the paper. More specifically the second section asks what type of societies and communities we want our higher education systems and new learning platforms to serve. The potential of new places and spaces for learning made possible through new technologies is then discussed, especially in terms of blurring traditional educational boundaries. Throughout this discussion the challenge for policy-makers, institutional leaders and teachers is whether technology will be adopted in accordance with transformative practices for very different outcomes or merely added onto traditional ways of teaching and learning. Finally, the paper revisits some of the debates that characterize the history of educational technology and argues we need more complex ecological theories and perspectives to better understand our preferred futures and the impact of the latest MOOC movement.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education