如今大数据、云计算和物联网等技术飞速发展,极大地推动了信息技术在电子商务上的应用,线上交易的模式也呈现出多元化的格局。融合O2O(Online To Offline)的商业模式,以石化集团加油站为线下商业结合的应用背景,构建一个推广闽台名特优产品与提供车辆若干服务结合的互联网服务系统,尝试O2O模式的实际应用效果和可能。具体实现平台上包括加油、洗车、维修三大服务模块以及电子商城等面对消费者的业务等主要功能。
This paper combines the business model of O2O(Online To Offline),rely on and Sinopec Group business combination as the background,build an Internet platform that contain promotion of Fujian-Taiwan products and provide life service.The system tries to practical application and possible effects of O2 O mode.Concrete realization of the platform include refueling,washing and repair service of three modules,and e-Commerce and other business-to-consumer and other major functions.
Industrial Control Computer