雨果的《致巴特雷上尉的信》以强烈的爱憎、澎湃的激情、诗一般的语言和绘声绘色的笔法 ,如泣如诉地控诉了英法联军劫掠圆明园的罪状 ,今天读来仍具有撼人心魄的感染力。雨果一生中的价值选择鲜明地昭示着 ,具有怎样的品格和人文情怀的人 ,才会成为后人所景仰的诗人或作家。
A letter to Captain Bartley by Hugo,with his strong sense of love and hatred,surging passion,poetic language and vivid technique of writing,denounces the facts about a crime as if weeping and complaining,which the British-French allied forces looted the Yuanmingyuan.When reading it today,we still have the infectant power shaking our faith.The choice of value in Hugo's whole life makes clear to all those with certain character and feelings of humanities and become the poets or writers admired by the later generations.
Journal of Binzhou Teachers College