
情景模拟视频短剧在急救护理学实训教学中的应用 被引量:8

The application of scenario simulation video applied in emergency nursing practice teaching
摘要 目的:培养和提高学生的院外急救技能综合运用能力及团队协作精神、人际沟通、自主学习能力等综合素质。方法根据教学目标要求,教师设计急救情景中必须出现的操作项目和人物,每5-7名学生自愿组成急救小组,自主设计剧情并组织练习、拍摄及后期制作,上传校内网络教学平台,课程组教师和学生代表综合评分,最后总结反馈。结果通过汇总学生填写的评价表和各组学习心得体会,评价本次教学活动,绝大多数同学认为自主拍摄急救情景剧教学方式新颖独特,有利于学生掌握院外急救技术,增强了急救实训课教学效果。结论该教学方法改革在提高了学生学习兴趣、自主学习能力、动手能力、创新能力的同时,给护生提供了培养整体急救思路的平台,使护生更好地掌握理论知识和正确的操作技术,进而可以从容地综合运用急救知识解决实际问题,更提高了学生的团队协作精神和沟通等非技术能力。缺点是部分学生认为该教学方法不可避免地增加了学生的课后负担。 Objective To develop and improve the studentsˊ comprehensive abilities of first aid skills out of the hospital and to enhance their comprehensive qualities, such as team spirits, interpersonal communication and inde-pendent learning capability. Methods The teachers designed the operating projects and characters that must be includ-ed in the emergency situation in accordance with the requirements of the teaching goal. Each emergency team included 5 to 7 students, the students designed the plot and organized practicing independently and they were responsible for fil-ming and post-production on their own as well. These videos were uploaded to the campus network teaching platform and teachers and students representatives of the curriculum group evaluated the videos comprehensively, and finally the feedback was summarized. Results This teaching practice was evaluated by summarizing the feedback forms filled by the students and learning experiences of every group. Most of the students thought that scenario simulation video made by themselves is new and unique to them, which is helpful for students to master the first aid techniques out of the hospital and enhance the effect of first aid training course teaching. Conclusion This reform on teaching method improved the studentsˊinterest in learning, autonomous learning ability, practicing ability and innovation ability. At the same time, it provided a platform to develop the overall emergency thoughts for the nursing students, which helped the nursing students to better grasp the theoretical knowledge and correct operating technology and to solve the practical problems by the first aid knowledge freely, and meanwhile it improved the studentsˊnon-tech skills such as team spirits and commu-nication skill. The disadvantage is that some students said this teaching method inevitably increased the burden of students after class.
作者 吕静 刘兴山 迟晓华 王丹丹 董妍 靳志超 Lv Jing Liu Xingshan Chi Xiaohua Wang Dandan Dong Yan Jin Zhichao Nursing(College of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, Changchun 130117, China)
出处 《国际护理学杂志》 2016年第20期2864-2867,共4页 international journal of nursing
基金 吉林省教育科学“十三五”规划课题(2015GH150250)
关键词 情景模拟 视频短剧 急救护理 Scenario simulation Video skit First aid nursing
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