
真空柱色谱在中药有效成分富集和制备中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Vacuum Liquid Chromatography in Enrichment and Preparation of Active Ingredients of Traditional Chinese Medicines
摘要 中药化学研究日趋关注微量成分、新成分的分离和鉴定,而其生物活性如何、是否具有开发价值等问题,往往止步于其量微难得。现有的制备型HPLC,工业色谱等设备经济性差,难以胜任实验室规模的制备,如何突破该瓶颈的制约,是中药研究能否深入的关键之一。结合本实验室的经验,本文介绍一种高效、便捷、廉价的传统分离技术——真空柱色谱法,尽管它已广泛应用于制药、食品、化妆品等行业,但缘于该技术诀窍缺乏系统披露,对于初涉中药研究领域的学生或科研工作者来说,大量制备目标化合物仍是一种挑战。本文结合实例,在简述真空柱色谱特点、原理、操作要点的基础上,着重介绍了该技术在新化合物发现、已知化合物快速制备中的应用,并介绍应用该技术进行制备过程中的实验室分离策略。 With the development of traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) chemistry,more and more studies have focused on the separation and identification of micro-components and new components. However,their biological activity and development value have been hard to be studied due to the difficulties in enrichment and purification. Although,great progresses had been achieved in chromatography technology,such as HPLC and preparative HPLC,it is still hard to prepare in a large scale in laboratory. In order to find a suitable technique,vacuum liquid chromatography( VLC), which is an effective, convenient and cheap traditional separation technique,was recommended according to our experiences in reference examples during the preparation of these target compounds. Although VLC has been widely used in pharmaceutical,food and somatic industries,it was still a great challenge for new researchers in the field of separation and purification of TCM due to the lack of systematic disclosure of the technique. The characteristics,principle and key operating points of VLC and the separation strategy in laboratory were introduced in this paper to help study the separation and purification of TCM.
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第21期197-202,共6页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家"重大新药创制"科技重大专项(2012ZX09103201-009 2012ZX09103201-027) 中药饮片质量保障体系研究(一)(201507002) 中国中医科学院客座研究员联合创新研究项目(ZZ070837)
关键词 真空柱色谱 分离 中药有效成分 vacuum liquid chromatography separation traditional Chinese medicine effective component
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