目的 探讨美国环境保护署(EPA)吸入风险模型和国际采矿与金属委员会(ICMM)职业健康风险评估模型在木质家具制造企业职业健康风险评估中的适用性.方法 应用美国EPA吸入风险模型和ICMM职业健康风险评估模型,于2013年8月分别对某小型木质家具制造企业主要岗位职业病危害因素开展评估.结果 该木质家具企业职业病防护设施不完善,备料岗位和打磨岗位存在木粉尘超标,8h时间加权平均浓度(CTWA)分别为8.9、3.6 mg/m3.EPA吸入风险模型评估结果显示,该企业苯接触岗位均存在致白血病风险,甲醛接触岗位均存在致鼻腔鳞状细胞癌风险,尤其是组装岗位苯致白血病和包装岗位甲醛致鼻腔鳞状细胞癌的风险较高,风险值分别为(9.7~34.3)×10-6和11.4×10-6;ICMM职业健康风险评估模型评估结果显示,赋值定量法评估的风险等级高于风险评级表法,二者评估备料岗位接触噪声致噪声聋的风险分别为不可接受风险和中等风险.结论 两种风险评估模型在评价实践中均有一定的适用性,ICMM职业健康风险评估模型因操作相对简单、评估参数易得、评估的职业病危害因素较为全面,更加适用于木质家具生产企业.
Objective To explore the applicability of 2 different models of occupational health risk assessment in wooden furniture manufacturing industry.Methods American EPA inhalation risk model and ICMM model of occupational health risk assessment were conducted to assess occupational health risk in a small wooden furniture enterprises,respectively.Results There was poor protective measure and equipment of occupational disease in the plant.The concentration of wood dust in the air of two workshops was over occupational exposure limit (OEL),and the CTWA was 8.9 mg/m3 and 3.6 mg/m3,respectively.According to EPA model,the workers who exposed to benzene in this plant had high risk (9.7×10-6~34.3×10-6) of leukemia,and who exposed to formaldehyde had high risk (11.4×10-6) of squamous cell carcinoma.There were inconsistent evaluation results using the ICMM tools of standard-based matrix and calculated risk rating.There were very high risks to be attacked by rhinocarcinoma of the workers who exposed to wood dust for the tool of calculated risk rating,while high risk for the tool of standard-based matrix.For the workers who exposed to noise,risk of noiseinduced deafness was unacceptable and medium risk using two tools,respectively.Conclusion Both EPA model and ICMM model can appropriately predict and assessthe occupational health risk in wooden furniture manufactory,ICMM due to the relatively simple operation,easy evaluation parameters,assessment of occupational-disease-inductive factors comprehensively,and more suitable for wooden furniture production enterprise.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases