
EGSB—SBR集成工艺同步耦合脱氮及甲烷化研究 被引量:1

Synchronous Coupling of Methanation with Denitrification in Integrated EGSB/SBR System
摘要 采用集成间歇膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)与亚硝化型间歇式活性污泥反应器(SBR)构建具有同步厌氧氨氧化、甲烷化与反硝化功能的耦合系统,并对EGSB-SBR集成工艺的运行特性及参数进行了研究。结果表明,经过99d的驯化培养,EGSB-SBR集成工艺成功启动;提高侧流比对COD的去除率影响较小,但会提高对氨氮和TN的去除率,亚硝酸盐积累率也随之升高;在侧流比相似的情况下,提高进水氨氮浓度对系统整体影响较小,但会提高SBR反应器的血硝酸盐积累率。当进水COD为4300mg/L左右、氨氮为80-200mg/L、侧流比为57%时,集成工艺对污染物的去除效果最好,对COD的去除率达到98%以上,对氨氮的去除率达到72%以上,对TN的去除率达到41%以上。 Anaerobic ammonium oxidation, methanation and denitrification were successfully cou- pled in a system integrating EGSB and SBR, and the operating characteristics and parameters of the inte- grated EGSB/SBR system were investigated. The results indicated that the integrated EGSB/SBR system was successfully started up after 99 days of acclimation. Increasing the side stream ratio had less effect on COD removal, but it could significantly improve the removal rates of ammonia and TN, and the nitrite ac- cumulation rate was also increased. Under the circumstance of similar side stream ratio, increasing the influent ammonia concentration had less effect on the overall system, but it could increase the nitrite ac- cumulation rate in SBR. When the influent COD, ammonia nitrogen and side stream ratio were 4 300 mg/L, 80 to 200 mg/L and 57%, the integrated system had the best removal efficiency of pollutants, and the removal rates of COD, ammonia nitrogen and TN were over 98% ,72% and 41%, respectively.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第21期143-146,159,共5页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 河南省科技攻关计划项目(142102210521)
关键词 EGSB-SBR集成工艺 厌氧氨氧化 甲烷化 反硝化 integrated EGSB/SBR system anaerobic ammonium oxidation methanation denitrification
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