
后危机时代我国商业银行经营效率测度研究 被引量:8

Study on the Measure of the Operational Efficiency of China's Commercial Banks in the Post Crisis Era
摘要 在推动金融创新和改革进程中,我国商业银行资源配置能力与使用效率等问题是众多学者关注的焦点。首先采用DEA方法测算了金融危机后我国16家上市商业银行在2008-2014年的经营效率水平,发现股份制商业银行在技术、纯技术和规模效率方面普遍高于国有商业银行,但各种效率的波动幅度要小于国有商业银行。其次,采用面板回归模型对效率的影响因素进行多元回归分析,发现国有商业银行受金融危机和利率市场化改革的影响要大于股份制商业银行,总资产规模、非利息收入占比、存贷比等在不同程度上都会影响我国商业银行的效率。最后,据此提出提升我国商业银行经营效率的对策。 In promoting the process of financial innovation and reform, China's commercial banks in the allocation of resources and the use of efficiency and other issues are the focus of attention of many scholars. First of all, this paper uses DEA method to measure the financial crisis of 16 listed commercial banks in China in the level of operating efficiency 2008-2014 years. It was found that the joint-stock commercial banks is generally higher than the state-owned commercial banks in terms of technical, pure technical and scale efficiency, but the volatility of various efficiency is less than state-owned commercial banks. Secondly, influence factors on the efficiency of using panel regression models were multivariate regression analyzed, it is found that the influence of the financial crisis and the market-oriented reform of interest rate on the state-owned commercial banks is greater than that of the joint-stock commercial banks, total assets and non interest income ratio, loan to deposit ratio in different degree will affect the efficiency of China's commercial banks. Finally, the countermeasures to improve the operational efficiency of commercial banks in China are proposed.
作者 吴沭林
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期47-58,共12页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 教育部专项任务“中国产业安全指数研究”(B09C1100020)
关键词 经营效率 商业银行 后危机时代 DEA 面板回归模型 operational efficiency cmmercial bank post crisis era DEA panel regression model
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