在移动自组织网络中,基于移动节点地理位置辅助信息,提出了一种新的泛洪算法——位置辅助泛洪改进算法(ILFA),ILFA通过节点位置信息重传广播分组并有效控制网络流量。此外,将ILFA应用于经典MANET源路由(dynamic source routing,DSR)协议中,通过限定请求区域和期望区域等限制路由发现的有效范围,进而通过设置提名广播重传邻居列表限定路由请求分组重传范围,有效减小DSR路由寻路分组的传播次数。仿真结果证明,和传统泛洪方案相比,ILFA能够有效减小DSR路由协议的路由开销并提升MANET吞吐量。
In mobile Ad Hoc network(MANET), based on the geographical location of mobile nodes, a novel improved location-based flooding algorithm(ILFA) was proposed, which controlled network traffic effectively by rebroadcast routing packets according to geographical location. In additional, ILFA was also applied in the traditional dynamic source routing(DSR) protocol, which restricted the search range of routing discovery according to define request area and expected area, and then limited the RREQ rebroadcast range by assigning a nominated neighbors to rebroadcast RREQ(NNRR) list, in order to eliminate the number of rebroadcast RREQ of DSR. The simulation results demonstrate that, compared to the traditional flooding algorithm, ILFA can reduce the network overhead and improve the network throughput efficiently.
Telecommunications Science