

Animal study of stripping maxillary sinus floor mucosa volume with stripping device
摘要 目的:评估自制改良的镍钛剥离器械在体外剥离山羊上颌窦底黏膜获得体积的剥离效果。方法:在体外建立即时可视的山羊上颌窦底黏膜剥离体积模型的基础上,使用四种上颌窦剥离器械剥离上颌窦底黏膜,对伞形剥离器械组、探针改良型器械组、012镍钛器械组、014镍钛器械组的剥离体积进行方差分析及SNK两两组间比较。结果:四组组间剥离体积差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),SNK两两组间比较,差异有统计学意义,伞形剥离器械组与012镍钛器械组,伞形剥离器械组与014镍钛器械组,探针改良型器械组与012镍钛器械组,探针改良型器械组与014镍钛器械组。差异无统计学意义,伞形剥离器械组与探针改良型器械组,012镍钛器械组与014镍钛器械组。结论:四种器械剥离上颌窦底黏膜均能获得有效的扩增体积。012及014镍钛剥离器械获得的体积均优于伞形剥离器械组以及探针改良型剥离器械组,且012镍钛器械组与014镍钛器械组获得的扩增体积差异无统计学意义。 Objective: To evaluate stripping volume effect with homemade modified titanium nickel stripping device when stripping maxillary sinus floor mucosa of the goat in vitro. Methods: On the basis of establishing immediate visual stripping volume model in the bottom of the goat maxillary sinus mucosa, four kinds of maxillary sinus stripping devices were used, i.e. umbrella stripping device, probe modified stripping device, 012 nickel-titanium stripping device, 014 nickel-titanium stripping device. Stripping volume of the four groups was analyzed by ANOVA and then was compared in two groups with SNK(Student-Newman-Keuls). Results: Difference of stripping volume between the four groups was statistically significant(P〈0.01). Compared in two groups with SNK, there were statistically significant differences between umbrella stripping device group and 012 nickel-titanium stripping device group, umbrella stripping device group and 014 nickeltitanium stripping device group, probe modified stripping device group and 012 nickel-titanium stripping device group,probe modified stripping device group and 014 nickel-titanium stripping device group; There were not statistically significant differences between umbrella stripping device group and probe modified stripping device group, 012 nickel-titanium stripping device group and 014 nickel-titanium stripping device group. Conclusions: Effective stripping volume were obtained with four kinds of stripping devices. The striping volume of two nickel titanium instruments was greater than umbrella stripping equipment group and the probe modified stripping device group. There was no significant difference of the striping volume between 012 nickel-titanium stripping device and 014 nickel-titanium stripping device.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2016年第5期263-266,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
基金 解放军总医院临床扶植基金(项目编号:2014FC-SXYY-1003) 首都卫生发展科研专项(项目编号:2014-4-5022) 保健专项课题资助(项目编号:14BJZ03)
关键词 上颌窦黏膜 剥离体积 剥离器械 Maxillary sinus floor mucosa Stripping volume Stripping device
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