Objective To investigate the proper cut point of glycosylated hemoglobin Alc (HbAlc) for the diagno- sis of abnormal glucose metabolism in hypertensive patients. Methods Hypertensive patients without previous his- tory of abnormal glucose metabolism were enrolled by non-randomized cluster sampling. The method of HbAle de- termination was consistent with quality control standards of National Center for Clinical Laboratories. The levels of HbAle, fasting blood glucose and oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT)2-hour blood glucose were determined. Im- paired fasting glucose and fasting diabetes were defined as fasting blood glucose≥5.6 and ≥7.0 mmol/L, respec- tively. Impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus were defined as OGTT 2-hour blood glucose within the range of 7.8-11.1 mmol/L and ≥11.1 mmol/L, respectively. The cut points of HbAlc for the diagnoses of pre- diabetes and diabetes mellitus were determined by analyzing the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results A total of 687 qualified patients (410 male, 277 female) were included in this study with an average age of 60.9 years old. Patients with diabetes mellitus accounted for 39.0% of the study patients, who were diagnosed according to OGTT fasting and/or 2 h blood glucose. However, only 17.5G of patients were diagnosed as diabetes mellitus based on the fasting glucose alone, which meaned that the missed diagnosis rate was 55.2~/oo. In patients with impaired fasting glucose, OGTT could identify 44.6% more patients with diabetes mellitus. IfHbAle≥6.5 % was used asthe cut point to diagnose diabetes mellitus, 32.9 % of the study patients could be diagnosed.ROC curve showed that HbAlc= 5.8 % was associated with the largest sum of sensitivity and specificity for the diag- nosis of pre-diabetes, and HbAlc= 6.2% was associated with the largest sum of sensitivity and specificity for the di- agnosis of diabetes mellitus.. Conclusion The prevalence rate and missed diagnosis rate of abnormal glycome- tabolism were very high in hypertensive patients. Routine screening for abnormal glycometabolism should be car- ried out among hypertensive patients. In hypertensive patients, HbAlc=5.8% and 6.2% could be recommended as the cut points for the diagnosis of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus, repectively.
Chinese Journal of Hypertension
Diabetes meltitus
Glycosylated hemoglobin Alc