
屯堡人7项不对称行为特征 被引量:6

A study of seven behavioral traits of lateral functional dominance in the Tunpu
摘要 在贵州省安顺市对359例屯堡人(男145例,女214例)中学生的7项不对称行为特征(扣手、利手、叠臂、叠腿、利足、起步类型和优势眼)进行了调查。研究结果显示:1)屯堡人除叠臂左型率高于右型率外,其他6项不对称行为特征均为右型率高于左型率;2)屯堡人7项不对称行为特征的出现率均无性别差异;3)与其他族群比较,屯堡人利足右型率和叠臂右型率中等,叠腿右型率和扣手右型率高;4)屯堡人两两不对称行为中,扣手与利手、扣手与叠臂、扣手与叠腿、叠腿与起步相关,利手、利足、起步三种行为彼此相关。 A sample of 359 Tunpu high school students (145 males, 214 females) was investigated for seven behavioral traits of lateral functional dominance (i.e., hand clasping, handedness, arm folding, leg folding, foot preference, stride type and eye preference). The results of this research were as follows. The percentage of the right type on six traits was much higher than of the left type, except for arm folding. There was no sexual difference in the Tunpufor the seven traits preference. Compared with other ethnic groups, the percentage ot K-K type of foot preference and arm folding were at the middle level, whereas the percentage of R-R type of leg folding and hand clasping was at the highest level. Among the seven traits, there were correlations between hand clasping and handedness, hand clasping and arm folding, hand clasping and leg folding. Leg folding, stride type, handedness and foot preference were related to each other.
出处 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期608-616,共9页 Acta Anthropologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目--汉族体质人类学研究(30830062)
关键词 扣手 利手 叠臂 叠腿 利足 起步类型 优势眼 屯堡人 Lateral function Hand clasping Handedness Arm folding Leg folding Footpreference Stride type Eye preference Tunpu
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