
20世纪末21世纪初俄罗斯文学的经典化进程 被引量:1

The Canonization of Russian Literature at the End of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century
摘要 本文就所谓后苏联时期的文学经典化过程研究,提出四个在所研究时期发现的、具有经典性潜质的诗学或美学现象或意向:纪实主义、平行世界幻想作品、对异者的掌控和地缘诗学策略以及政治行为主义。选择它们的宗旨在于创新,在于确定那些文学作品的性质——它们在1990年代初还没有被展示出来,或没有作为确定的现象而被接受。在现有的俄罗斯文化史上,文学创作的价值论还从未如此多样、细碎、多层次,而且如此远离始于1980年代末的、建立了文学史观及同期重要文学现象观的监管机制。因此,不能把经典理解为一种单一语义、单一状况的现象。 Based on the studies on the canonization of so-called post-Soviet literature, this paper raises four poetic or aesthetic phenomena or intentions during that period characteristic of canon: documentary doctrine, fantastic works of parallel worlds, manipulation of the other, geographical poetic strategies, and political behaviorism. The choice of them lies in innovation and in determining the characteristics of those literary works -- which were not yet revealed or accepted as definite phenomena at the beginning of the 1990s. In the existing history of Russian culture, axiology of literary creation has never been so diversified, so elaborate, and so multilevel, and so far away from the supervision mechanism of establishing the outlook on literary history and the outlook on important literary phenomena. Therefore, canon can' t be understood as a monosemic or single phenomenon.
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2016年第4期35-40,共6页 Russian Literature & Arts
关键词 经典 经典化 当代俄罗斯文学 canon canonization contemporary Russian literature
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