
女性自我的迷失与救赎 被引量:1

Women's Self-loss and Self-redemption
摘要 薇拉是2015年俄语布克奖获奖作品《薇拉》的同名女主人公。由于种种原因,薇拉在童年时期经历过严重的心理和精神创伤,这种童年创伤对其后来的生命轨迹产生了不可磨灭的重要影响。薇拉在爱的寻觅中不断遭受失落的痛苦与折磨。尽管如此,但她始终不失善良的天性与对上帝的基本信仰,历经种种磨难,最终获得心灵的释怀与安宁。本文通过追溯薇拉的命运轨迹,分析造成女主人公不幸命运的主要原因,并试图解读作家亚历山大·斯涅吉廖夫为俄罗斯女性乃至整个俄罗斯民族所指出的自我救赎之路。 Vera is the heroine in a prize-winning work Vera, which was awarded the honour of "The Russian Booker" in 2015. Due to various reasons, Vera in childhood experienced serious mental and psychological trauma, which had an important influence on her later life trajectory. She has been suffering from pain and torment of loss in the search of love, but she never lost the good nature and basic belief in God. After all the hardships, she ultimately got peace of mind. By tracing back to Vera' s fate, the writer analyzes the main causes of the heroine' s tragic fate, and attempts to interpret the way of self-redemption, which was pointed out for Russian women and even the whole Russian nation by the writer Alexander Snegilev.
作者 闫吉青
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2016年第4期88-95,共8页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"‘俄语布克奖’获奖作品研究"(项目编号16BWW031)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 女性 自我的迷失 自我的救赎 《薇拉》薇拉的形象 the women self-loss self-redemption Vera Vera's image
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