Objective To compare application of conventional PT-PCH and iluorescenc6 quantitative Ill - PCR in detecting new type H1N1 influenza virus. Methods Specimens from the upper respiratory pathways of patients presenting with influenza-like-illness were collected at hospitals in Dongli district, Tianjin between 2014-2015. All collected specimens were tested by conventional PT-PCR fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR. Results 263 pieces of sample collected in the district were tested by the two methods. 26 were positive for H1N1 by fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR, and 25 by conventional RT-PCR. The concordance rate of the two methods was as high as 96.15%, Conclusion High concordance rate was found in the rapid detection of influenza A virus (H 1N 1 ) by conventional RT-PCR and fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene