

Structures of Adjustable Mass and Stiffness Research Applied to Shock Test
摘要 航天器设备在发射阶段经历着严苛的动力学环境考验,包括噪声、振动、冲击等。进行冲击试验时必须使用模拟件进行试冲击,调试设备系统状态。若对每台产品都设计加工结构模拟件,则费用成本高,计划流程时间长。因此,本文研究设计一种质量、刚度可调式结构模拟件,通过不同组合形式使其适用于不同的型号产品,代替传统模拟件进行冲击试验调试,并经过试验验证,效果良好,极大的降低了投产成本及时间。 The spacecrafts suffer from badly dynamics environment in the launch phase,including noise,vibrate,shock at etc. The simulative structure has to be used in the shock test which purposes of adjusting the test machine. It will conduce to high costs and long time if we design single emolation structure for every product. In this paper,a new type of simulation structure which can measure the mass and stiffness was designed. It can adjust for different products via different combination and will replace the traditional structure. The new simulation structure has be testifyed in the shock test and works well. It will largely reduce the examination costs and time.
出处 《空间电子技术》 2016年第4期95-98,共4页 Space Electronic Technology
关键词 冲击试验 调试 控制 质量刚度 Shock test Adjust Control Mass and Stiffness
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