采用多级潮汐流流人工湿地(MSTF-CWs)对黄金尾矿库闭库淋溶液进行处理,选用砾石-沸石为组合填料,平均水力负荷为5.4 L/(m^2·d),运行方式为潮汐流(运行周期8 h)。实验结果表明,当进水COD和NH4^+-N、SCN-、CN_T的质量浓度平均分别为139.9 mg/L和101.3、45.47、0.83 mg/L时,对应出水平均为60.19 mg/L和21.52、8.74、0.046mg/L,平均去除率分别为43.34%和78.14%、64.2%、93.8%;与GB 8978-1996的一级标准相比,NH4^+-N、COD及CNT的达标率分别为40.1%、94.0%及100%。MSTF-CWs对NH4^+-N、COD、SCN-及CN_T的去除负荷分别为1.06、1.04、0.61、0.01 g/(m^3·d)。说明MSTF-CWs可以显著改善黄金尾矿库闭库淋溶液水质,并为尾矿库闭库淋溶液治理提供新途径。
A novel multi-stage tidal flow constructed wetlands (MSTF-CWs) was employed for treatment of gold mine tailing leachate. The MSTF-CWs was operated using tidal flow strategy (8 h for each cycle) and under the average hydraulic load of 5.4 L/(m2-d) and using gravel and zeolite act as medium. The results showed that, whenthe influent COD and mass concentration of NH4+-N, SCN CNr were 139.9 mg/L and 101.3, 45.47, 0.83 mg/L, respectively, the average effluent were 60.19 mg/L and 21.52, 8.74, 0.046 mg/L. The average removal efficiency was78.4%, 94.0%, 64.2% and 93.8%, respectively. Compared with the GB 8978 -- 1996 in the primary standards, NH4+-N, COD and CNT compliance rate was 40.1%, 94.0% and 100%. MSTF-CWs of NH4+-N, COD, SCN- and CNr removal load was 1.06, 1.04, 0.61, 0.01 g/(m3.d). MSTF-CWs can significantly improve the water quality of the gold tailings leachate. This offers a new approach for the gold mine tailing leachate treatment.
Technology of Water Treatment