分析了多普勒展宽和多普勒频移区别 ,讨论了高斯拟合和弦积分线形分布的差异。利用多道光学分析仪 (OSMA)测量HT 6M托卡马克限制器前Hα 线形分布 。
The distinction between Doppler broadening and Doppler shift has analyzed,Doppler brodening locally results from the distribution of velocities of the emitting particles,the line width gives the information on temperature of emitting particles.Doppler shift results when the emitting particles have a bulk non random flow velocity in a particular direction,the dirft of central wavelength gives the information on flow velocity of emitting particles,and the Doppler shift only drifts the profile of line without changing the width.The difference between Gaussian fitting and the distribution of chord integral line shape have also been discussed The distribution of H α spectral line shape has been derived from the surface of limiter in HT 6M Tokamak with optical spectroscope multichannel analysis (OSMA),the result by double Gaussian fitting shows that the line shape make up of two port,the emitting of reflect particles with higher energy and the release particle from the limiter surface.Ion temperature and recycling particle flow velocity have been obtained from Doppler broadening and Doppler shift.
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis