目的 掌握2014年四川省人间布鲁氏菌感染情况,为四川省布鲁氏菌病(布病)防控提供依据。方法 对2014年四川省疾病预防控制中心门诊部就诊的疑似布病患者进行流行病学调查,用试管凝集试验检测布鲁氏菌抗体。结果 共检测305例,血清学检测阳性32例;不同性别检测血清阳性率差异有统计学意义;发病年龄主要集中在41~60岁之间,占总阳性人数的78.13%;病例分布于8个地市,以眉山市占总阳性人数比例最高为25.00%;职业分布以养殖羊和牛人数比例最高为34.38%;主要临床症状为发热、多汗、乏力,分别占90.63%、62.50%和68.75%;肌肉、关节酸痛者占59.38%;感染源主要为羊、牛及其制品,感染途径为直接接触及消化道传播。结论 四川省多地存在布鲁氏菌感染病例,疫情漏报严重,疫情呈明显回升趋势,需在全省加强布病的防控工作。
Objective To understand the infection status of Brucella in human in Sichuan province in 2014, and provide evidence for the prevention and control of bruceUosis. Methods Epidemiological survey was conducted among the suspected brucellosis cases detected in the outpatient department of Sichuan CDC in 2014 and serum antibody detection was conducted with tube agglutination test. Results A total of 305 suspected brucellosis cases were detected, 32 cases were serum antibody positive for Brucella ( 10. 49% ). The sex specific difference was significant. The brucellosis patients were mainly distributed in age group 40 -60 years in 8 prefectures, accounting for 78. 13%, and the serologicpositive cases in Meishan accounted for the highest proportion (25.00%). The case number in people engaged in goat or cattle raising was highest. The main clinical manifestations were fever (90. 63% ), hyperhidrosis (62. 50% ), fatigue (68. 75% ) and joint pain (59. 38% ). The main infection sources were goat, cattle and its products. The transmission routes were the contact with goat and cattle or eating mutton or beef. Conclusion Human brucellosis was detected in many areas in Sichuan in 2014. Underreport of brucellosis cases was serious and the reemerging of brucellosis epidemic was obvious. It is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of brucellosis in Sichuan.
Disease Surveillance