Combining the sectoral accounting method of the System of National Accounts (SNA) with new statistical materials from the United Nations, as well as historical research into various countries around the world, this paper arrives at an estimate of value added of Chinese and world industries between 1850 and 2012. In doing so, we not only modify past work by Paul Bairoch, but also arrive at significantly different conclusions about China's position in worm industrialization.
Combining the sectoral accounting method of the System of National Accounts(SNA) with new statistical materials from the United Nations, as well as historical research into various countries around the world, this paper arrives at an estimate of value added of Chinese and world industries between 1850 and 2012. In doing so, we not only modify past work by Paul Bairoch, but also arrive at significantly different conclusions about China's position in world industrialization.
Bas van Leeuwen
徐毅;巴斯·范鲁文(Guangxi Normal University,Guilin,China;International Institute of Social History,Utrecht University,the Netherlands)
funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme/ERC-StG 637695-HinDI,as part of the project“The historical dynamics of industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China ca.1800-2010:a regional interpretation”