目的了解天津市医疗机构医护人员鼻前庭部带菌情况及其耐药性。方法采用现场采样、细菌分离鉴定技术和药敏试验方法,对天津市医疗机构部分医护人员鼻前庭带菌情况及其耐药性进行研究。结果 1 085名医护人员鼻前庭带菌率为72.53%,其中女性组带菌率显著低于男性组,低学历组带菌率低于其他两组,春夏季带菌率明显低于秋季。检出的908株致病菌中,革兰阴性菌269株,革兰阳性菌639株,革兰阴性菌耐药性最高的是氨苄西林(82.90%),其次是头孢唑林(50.93%)、四环素(21.56%)和头孢噻肟(15.61%),对左氧氟沙星、诺氟沙星和庆大霉素等耐药率较低。革兰阳性菌总体耐药率为78.40%,89株金黄色球葡萄菌中,12株为耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA),7株金黄色葡萄球菌对万古霉素耐药。结论天津市医疗机构医护人员鼻前庭带菌情况严重,且对主要抗菌药物耐药率较高,应加强医护人员鼻前庭卫生清洁,减少由鼻前庭带菌所致医院感染的发生。
Objective To investigate the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of pathogenic bacteria in the nasal vestibular of medical staff in Tianjin. Methods Applying investigation to the condition of natural carrier status of key department medical staff in secondary and tertiary hospitals of Tianjin. Collecting samples for bacterial culture,isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria,drug sensitivity test and analysis the relationships of carrying status and various types of influence factors. Results In 1085 medical personnel nasal vestibular samples,a total of 787 samples are carrying pathogenic bacteria,with the carrying rate of 72. 53%. 269 medical staff are found with gram- negative bacteria,639 with Gram positive bacteria. Carrying status of pathogenic bacteria in nasal vestibules of medical staff is with statistically significant correlations with gender,educational background and the sampling seasons Conclusion Medical staff carrying pathogenic bacteria in nasal vestibule is in serious condition. We should strictly perform the six- step washing technique,and wash your hands before and after contacting with each patient. The groups with higher carrier rates,should strengthen the nasal vestibule sanitation,carrying out nasal sanitation promotion and education.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection