
中国城市化道路之争的辨正——评贺雪峰、文贯中、张曙光的相关论著 被引量:5

Experiences and Lessons of China's Urbanization——A Review of The Works by He Xuefeng, Wen Guanzhong and Zhang Shuguang
摘要 对改革开放以来中国城市化及其道路的是非功过的看法,一直存在重大分歧,具有代表性的观点是:(1)贺雪峰认为,中国城市化比任何一个发展中国家都成功,中国"城市像欧洲",无发展中国家都有的大规模贫民窟,而成功在于稳健的城市化道路具有极大优越性;(2)张曙光基本不同意贺雪峰的观点,指出其论述前后不一、自相矛盾、有的不符合实际,认为中国城市化及其道路存在种种突出问题;(3)文贯中的看法几乎与贺雪峰完全相反,认为中国搞的是政府主导的外生型城市化,现行的土地制度和户籍制度造成"化地不化人"的"伪城市化",导致真正的城市化严重滞后,使得城市化蜕变为城市的自我现代化、城乡收入差的恶化。本文认为,这三位学者的看法都有正确的方面,都在一定程度或者某些方面指出了中国城市化及其道路的是非功过,但都不全面、都不完全符合实际,甚至存在重大偏差,需要予以澄清,求得正确认识。实际上,改革开放以来中国城镇化取得了巨大的进展,包括农民在内的城乡居民都不同程度地分享了城市化的成果,但是也存在突出的问题和缺陷。成就获得的主要原因是传统计划经济体制的改革、重工业优先的赶超战略的调整、市场作用的发挥、农民进城务工经商限制的冲破、现行农地制度的作用、工业化进程的加速以及廉价劳动力和土地的供给;问题和缺陷产生的原因则主要是与城市化紧密相关的户籍制度、社会保障制度、就业制度和包括征用制度在内的土地制度的改革还没有完成,城市化道路有偏差,人多地少、农村剩余劳动力转移的任务特别艰巨、所需的资金数量庞大、短期难以筹集。根本出路是全面深化改革,走中国特色新型城镇化道路,多渠道筹措资金,积极稳妥合理有效地推进以人为中心的健康的高质量的新型城镇化。 There have always been different, and even opposite, opinions regarding the experiences and lessons of China's urbanization. He Xuefeng, Zhang Shuguang and Wen Guanzhong represent three mainstream views on this issue. He Xuefeng argues that China's urbanization is most successful among developing countries, which didn't lead to slums as often seen in other developing countries and demonstrates the advantages of a well-managed urbanization path. Zhang Shuguang disagrees with He in many aspects, pointing out that China's urbanization is accompanied by a number of acute problems. Wen Guangzhong completely disagrees with He and considers China's urbanization a failure, which is dictated by the government, fails to effectively absorb rural population, and results in widening gaps between the "urbanization of land" and the "urbanization of people" and between rural and urban income. This paper recognizes the correct elements of these three opinions, but at the same time argues that none of them is completely consistent with the reality. China's urbanization has achieved great progresses, which benefited both urban and rural populations, but has also encountered serious problems and defects. The achievements are results of market-oriented economic reforms, decreasing restrictions on rural population to seek employment and engage in business activities in cities, and existing rural land policies. The problems are mainly due to the incomplete reforms of the "Hukou" ( "户口 " ) system, the unfinished modernization of social security networks and labor and land policies, and the significant challenges of land supply and financing given China's huge rural population. The ultimate success would depend on deepening reforms, diversified financing strategies, and an urbanization path of Chinese characteristics that puts people at the center.
作者 简新华 曾卫
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期57-69,共13页 Academic Monthly
关键词 中国城市化 中国城市化道路 中国土地制度 是非功过 China's urbanization, urbanization path, land policies of China, experience and lessons
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